Labor Shortage Strain: Where Have All the Workers Gone?
Labor Shortage Strain was listed as the #6 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “The implications for property markets are mostly indirect but potentially significant. Occupiers will lease less space if they lack the workers to run their businesses.” In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic… Read more
Energy: Sustainability, Affordability, & Availability
Energy was listed as the #5 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “Some of the practical consequences of what building owners and business owners are facing and need to consider in their business continuity and resiliency planning include rising insurance costs and the increased need for… Read more
Supply Chain Disruption
Supply Chain Disruption was listed as the #4 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “Critical site selection has driven decisions in unprecedented ways. Delayed supply chain concerns are an unknown factor for developers, who are adding several months to their schedules.” It may not come as… Read more
Hybrid Work and the “Great Decentralization”: A Correction Towards Resiliency?
Hybrid work was listed as the #3 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “Current decentralization pressures and the potential for property devaluation are sure to keep the entire financial sector on guard during the evolution of the next few years.” In the aftermath of the pandemic,… Read more
Geopolitical Risk: Political, Capital Markets and Real Estate Uncertainty
Geopolitical Risk was listed as the #2 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “With continued political uncertainty providing significant headwinds, the ultimate impact on commercial real estate will be greater than if the political risk didn’t exist. The longer it takes to moderate, the more the… Read more
Inflation and Interest Rates: Some Clarity To Mixed Macroeconomic Signals
Inflation and Interest Rates was listed as the #1 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “The proximate threats to continued economic growth remain the pandemic and policy error.” Executive Summary Having focused on its mandate for maximum employment, the U.S. Federal Reserve is now singularly focused on inflation. Combined with sustained geopolitical risk and vanishing fiscal... Read More