The below is a reprint of the article Build-to-Rent Homes: A Promising Solution to Chronic Housing Shortages, first published in July of 2023 and recently awarded The Jared Shlaes...
Amidst an ensuing cost of living crisis in many geographies, a higher for longer interest rate environment, and the sustained shocks of inflation resulting from the pandemic years and...
As more retail activity goes online with Ecommerce and given the fact that the U.S. is over retailed, mall owners/developers are looking for ways to revitalize and monetize their real...
The health and trends of housing market in the U.S. is on the minds of most commercial real estate professionals, economists, and policy makers. For example, “housing affordability” has been on...
The following is excerpted from the final CRE Consulting Corps report presented to The Heartland Association of REALTORS® and the City of Bangs.
The City of Bangs, like many small and rural...
It is well known that the commercial real estate industry, and most particularly the office sector, has been reeling from the double whammy of remote work combined with a 525 basis point increase in...
Commercial real estate markets are in a transitory phase, the degree being contingent on which asset class is discussed. Nonetheless, virtually all segments of the market are facing some significant...
Climate risk is often discussed as a statistical hypothetical in real estate. The chance of extreme weather events and the potential for rising energy prices are addressed in any number of...
When homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many, build-to-rent (BTR) housing offers a desirable alternative to traditional homeownership. First, BTRs provide flexibility that...