Member Benefits

The Counselors of Real Estate represents a community of expertise, talent, and collegiality among practitioners recognized as leaders in real estate. The membership of approximately 1,000 CREs shares a commonality of integrity, competence, community, trust, and responsibility.

While the CRE® credential, personal business networks, and educational programs are worthy reasons to seek membership, what most members value above all is The Counselors’ unique culture of camaraderie and friendship. This culture has evolved over nearly 70 years to provide a rich environment for friendship that enables Counselors to achieve more in their professional lives and strengthen their contributions to the real estate industry.

The exclusive benefits available to members include:

The CRE® Credential continues to be a badge of honor for those acquiring it. It’s an opportunity to know, interact, and be associated with many of the best minds in real estate in an intimate atmosphere of community, collaboration, and accessibility.

The CRE® Network’s strength, reach, reliability, intimacy, and diversity is exemplified by the willingness of CREs to immediately return a call or reply to an email from another CRE®.

The Request for CRE® Expertise is a weekly broadcast email that enables CRE® members to seek advice and specialized expertise from fellow members. This member-to-member dialogue allows CREs to share information and advice with one another.

CRE® Specialty Interest Groups are interactive Business Forums providing Counselors invaluable opportunities to regularly collaborate, exchange information, offer perspective, and pose questions to CREs of similar specialty in an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. There are a total of twelve different groups open to CRE® members only.

Educational content, whether in-person or virtually, globally or at the Chapter level, offers expert interpretation from provocative speakers who not only represent diverse and novel thinking but question prevailing thinking.  For a limited time, the high-quality webinars are open to the real estate industry in general.


Organized opportunities through the CRE® Consulting Corps, a public service program of The Counselors of Real Estate, are a chance to give back to a community by offering your real estate knowledge and expertise for the greater good.

Why CRE?

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"It is an organization that does work in the community, it supports its members, and it's also an organization that I would describe as creating very intimate relationships between professionals that really will communicate back to you when you are in a time of need."

Cassandra Francis, CRE®

"Being a Counselor allows you to have an opportunity to talk to the best real estate minds in the world, many of who are just simply amongst the best people you meet in the world."

William McCarthy, CRE®
W.P.J. McCarthy and Company Ltd.

"The value is really in being able to share ideas, exchange, and then being able to go back to the work that you do and do it better."

Sharon Madison, CRE®
Madison Madison International

"I really rely on the relationships that I've made with other Counselors to be able to draw from their subject matter expertise and their deep practical knowledge."

Deborah Cloutier, CRE®
President & Founder
RE Tech Advisors, LLC