Impact of Driverless Vehicles on Real Estate: Ethical and Legal Issues
Many articles1, journals2, books3, and other sources have discussed the continued and expansive nature of vehicles that are driven by computers as opposed to human beings.4 We have written and presented many programs on driverless vehicles (“DV”).5 Many of the materials mentioned as to DV have focused on the technological aspects of such vehicles. Some… Read more
No Siesta for Cabo
Los Cabos real estate market, in Baja California Sur, Mexico, has evolved at an extraordinary pace during the last decade, driven by a dollarized economy of a large sector of high purchasing power that does not hesitate when acquiring a second vacation home facing the sea, with an average price of more than $ 2… Read more
ESG Requirements Forcing Change
ESG Requirements Forcing Change was listed as the #10 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “These requirements are also instigating much innovation in the design, development, and construction of new buildings as well as renovation of existing stock with long lifespans ahead of them.” Government… Read more
Cybersecurity Interruptions
Cybersecurity Interruptions was listed as the #9 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “This is not a so-called smart building or Internet of Things (IoT) problem, which continues to add to risks, but rather a 40-year build-up as our main systems (e.g., HVAC, elevator, lighting, access… Read more
Regulatory Uncertainty
Regulatory Uncertainty was listed as the #8 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “The emerging conflict between state preemptive legislation and local control over land use, and the litigation that has emerged from these conflicts, will create additional regulatory uncertainty for some time to come.” Among… Read more
The Great Housing Imbalance
The Great Housing Imbalance is the #7 issue in the 2022-23 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®. “Markets that have not been able to provide lower-cost housing have experienced ongoing out-migration and risk stressing infrastructure capacity as renters are driven further out to the exurbs.” It is no secret that housing in the United States has been underbuilt for decades. In the 1970s and 1980s, one... Read More