Major litigation regarding property rights—and involving billions of dollars—which for several years has been in the federal courts may soon be resolved. By suspending through fiat...
What declining department stores were to our municipalities in the late 20th and early 21st century, emptying houses of worship are today, only the challenges are more vexing.
A tsunami...
Update on Top Ten Issue #9 “The Price is Wrong? Do Markets Need a Reset for Values to Normalize?
There is a consensus that property values have passed their peak. Since the peak, owners and...
It is well known that the commercial real estate industry, and most particularly the office sector, has been reeling from the double whammy of remote work combined with a 525 basis point increase in...
Remote working is still upending the office property sector. In an article I wrote for Real Estate Issues in 2021, I considered the early evidence that working from home and hybrid work arrangements...
Workplaces have changed significantly recently. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led many companies to send their employees home until governments deemed it was safe to return. Some thought remote work...
The Pre-COVID Decline
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. office real estate market had been subject to contraction for approximately a decade as businesses tried to lower overhead by...
Introduction: Disruption Hits European Real Estate Investors
The first European cross-border war in 80 years was certainly not the post-COVID recovery policymakers had planned for. Its impact on...
The labour market continued to grow in most sectors, increasing by just over 104,000 new positions in December 2022 with this occuring despite economic uncertainties dropping to 5.0%. The Canadian...