The Economy
2020 Special Issue Photo: The U.S. Economy was in the tenth year of recovery and there were signs of some loosening of standards reminiscent of behavior prior to the Great Recession. Now, the economy and that recovery have been turned upside down. We asked Doug Poutasse, CRE: How do we restart the economy –… Read more
2020 Special Issue Photo: Surapol Usanakul/ The current crisis makes the need for vast improvements to infrastructure even more evident. We asked Franc Pigna, CRE®: How has the current health crisis made glaringly apparent the need for vast improvements to infrastructure and the supply chain in the United States? America – Quo Vadis? By Franc… Read more
Density and Multifamily Living
2020 Special Issue Photo: muratart/ Multifamily properties, particularly multi-story elevator buildings, are densely populated and pose a potential problem for those people trying to physically distance and avoid contamination in the COVID-19 era. We asked Kim Betancourt, CRE®; Paula Munger, CRE®; and Scott Muldavin, CRE®: How can the multifamily sector survive and thrive? What solutions… Read more
European Markets
2020 Special Issue Photo: alecamera90/ Milan, Italy, 8 March, 2020: Victor Pisani Street in Milan. Northern Italy Locks Down To Try Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus. As COVID-19 spread rapidly across the globe, structural and cultural differences have lead to widely varying impacts. We asked Hans Vrensen, CRE®: What are the structural differences between the… Read more
Property Owner Rights
2020 Special Issue Photo: MIND AND I/ With 42 U.S. states having issued statewide stay at home orders and many municipalities declaring their own restrictions on business operations, questions have arisen over the power to make these mandates and what constitutes an “essential business”. We asked Anthony DellaPelle, Esq., CRE®: How do you counsel a… Read more
Changes in Lifestyle Trends
2020 Special Issue Photo: LL_studio/ The changes in population growth, employment trends, and lifestyle choices as to "where" and "how" to live were recreating the landscape. We asked Paige Mueller, CRE®: Will these trends continue? How will mega cities recover? Will there be a flight to a simpler life? Will 2020 be the beginning of the next baby boom? Trends to Watch By Paige Mueller, CRE® Managing... Read More