The Long View – A Perspective on The REIT Market

August 1994, Vol 19, No 2 Abstract: Along with a history of REITs, a review of its characteristics and why it is an attractive investment vehicle, the author enlists his background as a real estate counselor and investor to predict what the future might hold for real estate securitization.

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Recapitalizing a Real Estate Company When Real Estate is Out of Favor – A Case Study

August 1994, Vol 19, No 2 Abstract: The author recounts what was involved in refinancing a wholly owned United States real estate subsidiary of a United Kingdom pension fund at a time when investment funds were at low ebb in the U.S. Included are detailed listings of primary debt market alternatives which were considered relative to… Read more

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The Disposition Market for Large Portfolios

August 1994, Vol 19, No 2 Abstract: This article explores how commercial mortgage-backed securitization, bulk sales, auctions and equity REIT formations have been used to bring new liquidity to the real estate investment markets. The author provides an analysis of when it is better to use the various strategies to dispose of commercial real estate or… Read more

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Portfolio Disposition Strategies: The Institutional Decision of the Decade

August 1994, Vol 19, No 2 Abstract: Given the magnitude of assets locked up in the current institutional portfolio ownership, the expected release of large portfolios into capital markets will require an orderly, segmented and sequenced delivery process. The author states his case and strategy on how to proceed in portfolio analytics, so the process includes… Read more

Real Estate Auctions: The New Method to Sell Real Estate

April 1994, Vol 19, No 1 Abstract: In today’s troubled real estate market, government agencies and the private sector are reverting to the real estate auction to sell real property. The authors present an inside look at why auctions, psychological tricks, the buyer’s side, the seller’s side and instructions for financing.

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Valuing Partnership Interests In Real Estate Companies

How interests in real estate partnerships are valued can result in significant savings for gift or estate tax returns. According to a new IRS ruling, Revenue Ruling 93-12, the percentage of ownership should be considered in determining value. Significant discounts can be taken because of a lack of control. This is particularly true if the interest to be valued is not a controlling interest. Traditionally, partnership interests in real estate... Read More

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