The Residential Real Estate Market and the Pandemic
The first American COVID-19 case was reported on January 21, 2020, in Washington state. Although the media reported the growing threat of the virus...
Many insurance carriers purchase third-party crime scores to further evaluate an insurance portfolio’s exposure to criminal risk.1 However, crime scores represent another hurdle for multifamily...
Anyone following the housing market understands that inventories of existing homes have continued to shrink, time on the market has never been faster, and often reasonably priced homes...
Kelly Lyles is a member of a dying breed: the mom-and-pop Seattle landlord. Her kind has become the target of an increasingly radical city council that has slammed the rental housing industry with a...
Our Story: How My Company Developed Modular Construction with Recycled Shipping Containers is Advancing Solutions to the Affordable Housing Crisis and Environmental Sustainability
We constantly see...
In the summer of 1910, a successful Yale-educated attorney named George W.F. McMechen and his schoolteacher wife moved to an upscale neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland. After all, McMechen had...
Affordable Housing was listed as the #5 issue in the 2020-21 Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® by The Counselors of Real Estate®.
In this era of political divisiveness, there are two things...
A Case Study on Florida’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit Projects
Last year, several hurricanes caused major damage in Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico. Now in 2018, Hurricane...
Research conducted by Norman Miller, Ph.D., University of San Diego; Jeffrey D. Fisher, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Indiana University; Paige Mueller, CRE, at Eigen 10 Advisors, LLC;...