Globalization is Key to Real Estate Industry Growth

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 features Abstract not available.

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Global Cities Symposium: The Global City Today

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract: This article looks at how we measure cities and the impact of Asia-Pacific on urban change. What is the role of cities today and are urban regions consolidating? Environmental sustainability is increasingly important and relate to various scenarios for the future. However, the city, and its place in history,… Read more

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Even in Global Cities, Think Locally

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract not available.

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Deconcentration: A Strategic Imperative in Corporate Real Estate

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 features Abstract: Since the Industrial Revolution, work has been concentrated in specific sites and facilities. The resulting workplace model—often defined in modern corporations by large, monolithic buildings in fixed locations—benefited employers and employees alike in the “steady-state” world of the past century. Today, however, new needs, new norms and new… Read more

Emerging Global Cities: Comparison of Singapore and the Cities Cities of the United Arab Emirates

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract: Singapore is often quoted as an exemplary city to have successfully embedded its development strategy within the global economic circuit while the main United Arab Emirates cities are among many urban regions in the developing countries that hope to emulate Singapore as an emerging global city. The following study… Read more

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Cross Border Capital Flows—Perspectives from a Mixed-Asset Portfolio Investor

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract not available.   Read More