A New Look at the Home Ownership Decision

Summer 1998, Vol 23, No 2 Abstract: The 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act, together with demographic, economic, and societal changes, fundamentally alters the tenure choice decision of prospective home buyers and generally favors the decision to rent rather than buy. This manuscript discusses the factors that influence the decision, analyzes the impact of changes in those factors,… Read more

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Check-the-Box Regulations Allow for Selection of an Entity

Summer 1998, Vol 23, No 2 Abstract: How one holds real estate-that is, in an entity or in an individual name-has enormous tax, legal, and practical implications. If a counselor is to be effective in working on real estate issues for a client, he/she must be familiar with the Federal tax rules on what determines how… Read more

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Changes of State

Summer 1998, Vol 23, No 2 Abstract: Based upon the experiences of various industries going through changes of state in the past quarter-century, real estate should not expect the process to be a smooth one. This article, through a discussion of the airline industry’s ‘change of state’ in recent years, offers predictions on the changes expected… Read more

Reforming the Superfund Act

Summer 1998, Vol 23, No 2 Abstract: This article reviews the most common criticisms of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 and its only amendment, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. Legal writers are critical because they believe the legislation is harsh and unfair; other writers think that it is… Read more

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