European Chapter Produces Collaboration Booklet

In an effort to facilitate international collaboration, the European Chapter has produced an electronic booklet with profiles of participating European CREs and U.S. based CREs who conduct assignments in Europe. You can request the booklet by contacting Paul Coady in the CRE office (
Scott Muldavin Visits Chapters Over Summer
During the recent months, 2017 CRE Chair of The Board, Scott Muldavin, has continued his effort to visit CRE Chapters. Over the summer, he attended gatherings with the Colorado, Georgia, Northern California, New Jersey, Pacific Northwest, and Oregon Chapters. During September, he will visit the Utah, Houston/Gulf Coast, and Dallas/Fort Worth Chapters.
Virtual Chapter Hosts Event
The CRE Chapter Activities Committee has been working on ways to engage members who are not part of an active chapter. After surveying these members, the first experiment was to hold a “Virtual Chapter” meeting via webinar. The meeting was hosted by Chapter Activity Chair and Vice Chair, Jill Hatton and Karen Zinn, and featured Chair of The Board, Scott Muldavin, presenting information on CRE initiatives and the Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate.
Chapter Events
September 7th – The Utah Chapter co-sponsored RealCon 2017 with CCIM, ICSC, and the Utah Association of Appraisers.
September 7th – The New England Chapter hosted a “Hot Topics” luncheon for their members. The luncheon featured lively discussion of three current real estate topics.
September 12th – The Houston/Gulf Coast Chapter hosted CRE Chair of The Board, Scott Muldavin.
September 13th – The Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter hosted CRE Chair of The Board, Scott Muldavin.
September 22nd – The Colorado Chapter will hold their quarterly luncheon.
October 3rd – The Utah Chapter will host a presentation on current economic conditions and a forecast for the real estate market.
October 10th – The Connecticut Chapter will hold a walking tour of the Yale University campus led by architect, planner, author, and educator, Patrick Pinnell.
December 1st – The Colorado Chapter will hold their Holiday Party.
Chapter & Regional Events
For details on these and other events, please visit the Chapter and Regional Events page.