
Housing Demand and Immigration Trends

Research conducted by Norman Miller, Ph.D., University of San Diego; Jeffrey D. Fisher, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Indiana University; Paige Mueller, CRE, at Eigen 10 Advisors, LLC;...


Market Value in Use is Not an Oxymoron

Special-purpose properties present some unique valuation challenges. For property tax assessments, in condemnation proceedings and even in mortgage lending, debates regarding the proper basis of a...


Black Swans – The Original Rara Avis

The subject of “event risk” has been gaining in prominence in investment planning by institutional portfolio managers.1 Weather catastrophes, earthquakes, terrorism and other events that do not...


What Can Go Wrong?

Many of us make our living preparing forecasts of supply and demand, income and expenses, and the anticipated actions of buyers, sellers, lenders and government agencies. Some years ago, during a...