Servicing the Global City

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract not available.

Reflections in an International Eye

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract not available.

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Partnerships in Global Real Estate

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract not available.

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Outlet Malls On The Horizon – A View From The Middle East

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 features Abstract: The shopping centre market in The Arabian Gulf Co-Operation Council member states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates) has reached a level of maturity that is commensurate with the U.S. and European Union. So much so that clearly defined sub markets are now emerging…. Read more

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Non-Performing Loan Resolution In China

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 Abstract: China, like with other Asian countries, is closely following the approach used by the United States through the formation of the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) to resolve its non-performing loan problem. The purpose of this article is to review China’s progress in attracting foreign investors to purchase the NPLs,… Read more

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Impact of the Internet on International Real Estate Office Markets

Fall/Winter 2002, Vol 27, Nos 3&4 features Abstract: The present study examines the impact of the Internet on the real estate office market through a survey of real estate professionals in traditional companies in Boston/U.S. and London/U.K. This survey captures professionals’ opinions on the use of the Internet and how it affects their business. The results from both cities indicate differences when using the Internet versus... Read More

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