Better Know a CRE
Better Know a CRE: Marilee Utter, CRE®
Welcome to the second edition of Better Know a CRE. This series serves as a spotlight for Counselors of Real Estate leadership with the goal of helping fellow counselors and the real estate industry learn more about the organization, its happenings, and its history. Given the recent formation of the Economic Advisory Council—which offers analysis… Read more
Better Know a CRE
Better Know a CRE: Joseph G. Nahas, Jr., CRE®
Welcome to the first edition of Better Know a CRE. This series serves as a spotlight for Counselors of Real Estate leadership with the goal of helping fellow counselors and the real estate industry learn more about the organization, its happenings, and its history. Given the format shift for the 2022 Fall Annual Conference in… Read more
Unambiguous Climate Risk: Building Performance Standards Policies
Climate risk is often discussed as a statistical hypothetical in real estate. The chance of extreme weather events and the potential for rising energy prices are addressed in any number of predictive models or financial projections. But one transition risk has come to the forefront in the last few years by virtue of its objective… Read more
Build-to-Rent Homes: A Promising Solution to Chronic Housing Shortages
Introduction When homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many, build-to-rent (BTR) housing offers a desirable alternative to traditional homeownership. First, BTRs provide flexibility that traditional homeownership cannot match. By renting rather than owning, tenants are free to move around the city or the country as their jobs, family situations or lifestyle decisions dictate. They… Read more
Where the Pacific’s Magic Becomes Success
A sequel to “No Siesta for Los Cabos”. (Pub. Real Estate Issues December 2022) The State of Baja California Sur (BCS) in México, home for Los Cabos, considered one of the World´s top 3 places to invest in Real Estate, is comprised by 5 major market areas: Cabo San Lucas (and its Corridor), San José… Read more
The Challenge of Data in ESG
With the SEC expected to release a final version of its climate disclosure rule in the near future, the impact of this ruling is anticipated to be far-reaching as investors demand greater visibility into the risks that climate change may have on their investment strategies. That reach not only includes publicly traded companies but also publicly traded and non-traded REITs which, according to NAREIT, are required to make regular SEC... Read More