Ground Rents From Maryland to Hawaii: Leasehold Interests in Residential Real Estate

Fall 2006, Vol 31, No 2 Abstract: Maryland and Hawaii, though geographically distant, are burdened by the same historical remnants of an English feudal land system. The practice of conveying property through leasehold deeds that require residents to pay ground rents presents numerous problems for the residential real estate market. The author explains the systems… Read more

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Capital Still Flows Into Commercial Sector as Investors Become More Discriminating

Fall 2006, Vol 31, No 2 Abstract: Commercial real estate continues to be an attractive investment relative to stocks and bonds for many reasons. The level of capital that continues to flow into the market indicates that commercial real estate is clearly coming of age. Commercial real estate investments will push the envelope by taking on… Read more

Review: Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah

Summer 2006, Vol 31, No 1 Abstract: A neofundamentalist movement among the millions of Muslims who live outside Islamic nations is leading to new forms of radicalism that reject integration into Western society and embrace terrorism as a way to defend the values and ethics of their community, writes author Oliver Roy.  

Review: America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power and the Neoconservative Legacy

Summer 2006, Vol 31, No 1 Abstract: Author Francis Fukuyama argues that a broad preemptive doctrine and invading Iraq were not obvious responses to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Instead, policymakers should rely more on soft power to effect change.  

Real Property Damages and Rubber Rulers 

Summer 2006, Vol 31, No 1 During the past two decades, many articles and court cases have involved alleged diminution and damages to the value of real property resulting from a disamenity that influences a geographic area of values. “Alleged” is the key word because highly suspect analytical techniques frequently are the basis of the… Read more

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Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Taxing Real Estate Issue

Summer 2006, Vol 31, No 1 Abstract: When dealing with issues that affect a community socially and economically, emotions can run high. At such times, objective analysis from real estate counselors can make all the difference. The impact that unbiased CRE expertise can have on negotiations between public and private entities is apparent in a recent ad valorem tax settlement case between Main Yankee Atomic Power Co. and the town of Wiscasset,... Read More