The Everyday Leader
Navigating the Waters of Leadership: Flipping the Script on Anxiety
Imagine a diver exploring a shipwreck on a sandy sea floor when suddenly, a dark presence emerges from the shadows within. Silent, circling, and full of teeth. Faced with such a situation, fear can be paralyzing. However, it can also serve as a powerful ally in this moment, sharpening focus, heightening awareness, and pushing us… Read more
Decoding Key Elements of Successful Innovation Districts
Introduction In the aftermath of the 2008 Great Recession, cities globally faced a pivotal moment, urgently seeking rejuvenation and renewal amidst economic turmoil. Urban planners and policymakers embarked on a quest for innovative solutions to breathe new life into struggling urban landscapes. It is within this context that the concept of innovation districts emerged as… Read more
Fly Me To The Moon: The Need For U.S. Lunar Development Legislation That Balances Property Rights, Commercial Incentives, & International Obligations
INTRODUCTION NASA believes that by 2040, Americans will have housing on the moon, with housing on Mars not far behind.[1] While some scientists say this timeline is overly ambitious, NASA thinks it is attainable if the agency continues to hit its benchmarks.[2] “Scientists at NASA say that it is too early to consider the market… Read more
U.S. Housing – Major Sources for Analysis and Data
The health and trends of housing market in the U.S. is on the minds of most commercial real estate professionals, economists, and policy makers. For example, “housing affordability” has been on The Counselors’ “Top Ten Issues” lists for some time. Multifamily specialists are looking beyond their well-known multifamily sources to better understand the world in… Read more
Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate
Asset Repricing: Are We There Yet?
Update on Top Ten Issue #9 “The Price is Wrong? Do Markets Need a Reset for Values to Normalize? There is a consensus that property values have passed their peak. Since the peak, owners and valuers of private real estate have faced challenges in determining market value. Real estate is by nature a much less… Read more
Transformative Real Estate: A Journey of Collaboration and Impact with the CRE Consulting Corps
As a newly inducted member of The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE), my journey has already taken me on an exhilarating ride of learning and contribution, particularly through my involvement in the CRE Consulting Corps. This initiative epitomizes the collaborative spirit and commitment to community enhancement that defines the ethos of the CRE. In a recent project, I had the privilege of representing the site selection and economic development... Read More