A Corporate Guide to Implementing a Sustainable Real Estate Program

Summer 2010, Vol. 35, No. 2 Abstract: Sustainability is no longer thought of as a passing fad but rather a business imperative across the globe. As a result of changing energy prices, anticipated carbon regulation, stricter future building codes, cost containment, limited natural resources, or increasing pressure from stakeholders, the question has clearly changed from whether… Read more

The Valuation of Mortgage Security by Italian Banks

Summer 2010, Vol. 35, No. 2 Abstract: This case study takes a looks at four Italian banks and the methods and procedures implemented by them in valuing real estate used as collateral for loans both in the loan origination and credit monitoring process. Impetus for the study was generated by the “disastrous results” of the holdings… Read more

Demystifying the Corporate Real Estate Process: The Retailer’s Perspective

Spring 2010, Vol. 35, No. 1 Abstract: Though in many circles, retail real estate has lost its luster, opportunities for knowledgeable practitioners still exist. This article addresses how to review real estate opportunities from the retailer’s perspective and use the insight to become a more effective practitioner.  

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Emerging from the Rubble

Volume 35, Number 1 Published: Spring 2010 By Kenneth P. Riggs, Jr., CRE, FRICS Photo: Norman Chan/Shutterstock.com AS WE EMERGE FROM THE MOST SEVERE FINANCIAL CRISIS and economic recession in more than 70 years, we are only beginning to unravel the devastation and debris left in its wake. There are deficits as far as the eye… Read more

“My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly… the only thing to do was keep swinging.” -Hank Aaron (Editor’s Note)

Volume 35, Number 1 Originally Published: Spring 2010 By Peter C. Burley, CRE My daughter Katy was three when we lived in St. Louis. I was working briefly at Washington University, helping to run a research and computing facility for the social sciences. One weekend, a group of faculty and students got hold of a… Read more

Review: Value Beyond Cost Savings: How to Underwrite Sustainable Properties

Spring 2010, Vol. 35, No. 1 Abstract: This book, written by Scott R. Muldavin, CRE, comes highly recommended by reviewer Maura Cochran, CRE, who describes it as leading readers through the quagmire of underwriting commercial and multi-family residential properties, and providing the logic to understand how to correctly modify old tools for “green” underwriting.   Read More