Resource Reviews

REVIEW: New Guide to Ground Leases

Joshua Stein’s New Guide to Ground Leases, published in 2024 by ACRE Press, is a comprehensive resource for anyone dealing with ground lease transactions. The Guide consists of three volumes which include: Volume 1: Encyclopedia of Ground Leases – This volume covers a wide range of topics related to ground lease transactions. It delves into… Read more

The Everyday Leader

Transcending Borders: A Lesson in Cultural Exchange from Cherry Blossom Season

In the bustling metropolises as well as the tranquil countryside of Japan, Spring heralds the arrival of a breathtaking spectacle – cherry blossom season. For seven memorable years, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the beauty and tradition of this enchanting time, living as an American expatriate in the Land of the Rising… Read more

Why States Should Preempt Local Zoning to Create Affordable Housing

Housing shortages once mainly confined to the coasts have made landfall in places like Boise, Idaho, and Bozeman, Montana. According to Freddie Mac, the United States “is short 3.8 million housing units to keep up with household formation.” While other factors—including land costs, lack of available land, and high labor costs—contribute to the housing shortage,… Read more

Better Know a CRE

Better Know a CRE: K. “Teya” Moore, CRE®

Welcome to another edition of Better Know a CRE. This series serves as a spotlight for Counselors of Real Estate leadership with the goal of helping fellow counselors and others learn more about the organization, its happenings, and its history. Given his focus on affordable housing, an issue often highlighted in different ways in the Counselors’… Read more


Zombie Malls – Part 2: Bringing Dead Shopping Venues Back to Life Through Multifamily Development – Parking is the Key to Mall Multifamily Development

Abstract As more retail activity goes online with Ecommerce and given the fact that the U.S. is over retailed, mall owners/developers are looking for ways to revitalize and monetize their real estate by adding multifamily to create a mixed-use environment. One of the main drivers of this effort is parking reduction, as developers and retailers… Read more


Energy Transmission is a Real Estate Issue

Background: The Counselors of Real Estate ® announced their Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate® for 2024. When presented at their annual conference there was some dismay that Global Climate Change did not make the list. In fact, climate indirectly affects a number of the topics, including Infrastructure (#10). But in a real estate context, if climate change is a problem, how might real estate effect a solution? Here, we suggest that, without... Read More