Mortgage Prepayment Analysis: A Computerized Approach

Spring/Summer 1989, Vol 14, No 1 Abstract: Mortgage prepayment provides an excellent potential investment. Not only does it possess unique advantages for the borrower, it also assist the lender in averting risk and increasing liquidity. This article describes the advantages of mortgage prepayment and develops a model, using a Lotus 1-2-3 computer program, for evaluating the… Read more

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Suburban Office Development and Work-Residence Relationships

Spring/Summer 1989, Vol 14, No 1 Abstract: Employment in office based sectors of the economy has grown considerably in recent years, and much of the expansion in these sectors has occurred in suburban areas. In this article a 1980 U.S. Bureau of the Census journey-to-work sample was used to examine spatial distributions of office employment, commuting… Read more

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Rethinking Large City Public Housing Projects: The Influence of Politics of the ’80s

Spring/Summer 1989, Vol 14, No 1 Abstract: The conditions of providing and maintaining public housing have changed to the point that older and more conventional techniques no longer apply. The focus of this study is a Comprehensive Improvement and Assistance Program (CIAP) application planning process and the effort of a large public housing authority in St…. Read more

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Canada-U.S. Free Trade Pact May Benefit Counselors

Fall/Winter 1988, Vol 13, No 2 Abstract: While many real estate counselors have done business on either side of the U.S./Canada border, the proposed Free Trade Act (FTA) will create new opportunities for trade in services between the two countries. The author spells out the various aspects of the FTA which are of interest to counselors… Read more

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Market Discounts for Undivided Minority Interests in Real Estate

Real Estate Issues Fall-Winter 1988-3 Abstract: Undivided minority interests in real estate seldom sell by themselves or separate from the sale of the entire property. Consequently, there is an extreme lack of market data concerning the sales of such interests. Research described in this article indicates the amount of the discount depends upon the circumstances surrounding… Read more

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New Communities in Florida

Fall/Winter 1988, Vol 13, No 2 Abstract: A project undertaken to identify, classify, describe, and analyze most of the large new communities in Florida is presented in this article. The results indicate that developers have been reluctant to commit the resources and the time to develop large communities with their own economic bases. Read More