Focus on the Economy

Winter 1999/2000, Vol 24, No 4

Real Estate Experts: Some Further Observations

Fall 1999, Vol 24, No 3 Abstract: Starting with the first offering of GNMA securities in the early 1970s, the real estate industry has been in a state of rapid change. The securitization of the mortgage markets, institutional ownership, investment trusts, globalization, and information technology have fostered a new era in valuation analysis and the people… Read more

Real Estate Counseling in Litigation: Illustrated by Eminent Domain

Fall 1999, Vol 24, No 3 Abstract: With the increasing complexities of real estate and its valuation, an experienced counselor provides added knowledge and flexibility to customize the preparation and presentation of a case. While not all are suited and not all are willing, appropriately qualified real estate counselors provide the needed attributes. They must be… Read more

Damage Awards as Public Policy in Inverse Condemnation Litigation

Fall 1999, Vol 24, No 3 Abstract: Inverse condemnation occurs when a government body effectively takes private property without just compensation, usually by a regulatory process. This is referred to as a “regulatory taking” which can be litigated as an inverse condemnation. The number of landowners claiming regulatory takings has increased as the number of environmental and other regulations have proliferated over the past two decades.... Read More

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