Factors Influencing CBD Land Prices

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract: In rapidly moving but thinly-traded real estate markets, attempts at valuation using traditional, or ‘first generation’ approaches can be problematic. Fortunately, other valuation models are available. This manuscript demonstrates the use of an economic model, including unemployment rates and vacancy rates, to value downtown land over time.

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The Emerging Role of the Independent Fiduciary for Non-Traditional Real Estate Investments

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract: Pension plans have discovered the value of the independent fiduciary in evaluating non-traditional real estate investment opportunities such as joint-ventures, opportunity funds, development programs and the like, which are often sponsored by firms that are not registered investment advisors. Seeking to provide assurance that these investments meet minimum fiduciary… Read more

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Quality Priority in Housing

Summer 2000, Vol 25, No 2 Abstract: The perceived quality of property influences its pricing, marketability, and value. Confirming and communicating quality are crucial to real estate transactions. Subsequent shortfalls of actual quality relative to representations of quality in such communications can impose significant liability for both those who build and sell properties and also for… Read more

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The Art of Real Estate: Understanding the Visual Artists Rights Act

Summer 2000, Vol 25, No 2 Abstract: Building owners, building purchasers, and real estate lenders often face challenges when dealing with art work displayed or commissioned by a real estate property as set forth by the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (“VARA”). This manuscript explores the many issues surrounding VARA and factors that building owners… Read more

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Long Distance Residential Mobility & the Baby Boom

Summer 2000, Vol 25, No 2 Abstract: Retirement mobility has become a more interesting topic to real estate consultants as baby boomers approach early retirement in the next decade. The baby boom at mid-life, however, is at the low ebb in the age mobility profile. They will begin affecting the retirement housing market after 2010. Pre-baby… Read more

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Caveat Exchanger: “De ja Vu All Over Again”

Summer 2000, Vol 25, No 2 Abstract: The sardonic phrase, “de ja vu all over again,” seems to be most apropos, given that the author has argued on prior occasions that we should change the tax-deferred exchange rules by simplifying the process to defer gain when we “sell” and reinvest the proceeds from the “sale.” This manuscript focuses on the risks a taxpayer takes when undertaking an exchange, with escrow, where the escrow party... Read More