(Chicago) – December 4, 2018 – Robert H. McKennon, CRE®, MAI, owner and president, Appraisal Associates, Inc., Wilmington, Del., has been awarded the 2018 CRE Committee Service Award by The Counselors of Real Estate® (CRE®) professional association. The honor recognizes Mr. McKennon’s dedication to committee service and leadership; it was presented at the organization’s recent annual convention in Charleston, S.C.
During his 24 years of membership, Mr. McKennon has volunteered his time, leadership, and business acumen in both national and local chapter roles. Locally, he has served as Chapter chair, membership officer, and secretary-treasurer. At the national level, much of his service has been devoted to committees and initiatives which strengthen the foundation of The Counselors of Real Estate, particularly providing guidance on the organization’s Invitation process (through which membership is awarded), bylaws, professional ethics, and international activities.
Mr. McKennon was elected to the CRE Board of Directors in 2005, a position he held for most of the next ten years. He was named liaison vice chair of The Counselors in 2007 and most recently served as member liaison. Additionally, he represented The Counselors as a member of the standards setting committee of the International Ethics Standards Coalition—a group of more than 120 professional associations from around the world, which developed a universal set of ethics principles for real estate and related professions.
During the award presentation, Mr. McKennon was described as “selfless, honorable, and one hundred percent reliable in any task he undertakes. He is dedicated, thoughtful, genuine, and conscientious– he embodies all the qualities associated with being a great real estate counselor.”
Established in 1981, Mr. McKennon’s firm, Appraisal Associates, Inc., offers real estate advisory services beyond the scope of standard appraisals. The business focus encompasses a wide array of property types including commercial, industrial, office, multifamily, shopping centers, and land. Mr. McKennon specializes in litigation support, eminent domain, tax assessment appeals, easements, estate planning, appraisal, and real estate counseling.
The CRE Committee Service Award provides official recognition of exemplary committee or task force service. Established in 1996 by CRE George Lovejoy, the award recipient is selected by the chair of the board in collaboration with The Counselors of Real Estate’s CEO.
The Counselors of Real Estate is an international consortium of recognized problem solvers who provide reliable, state of the art advice on real property. The organization is known for thought leadership, extraordinary professional reach (more than 50 real estate specialties are represented by its member experts) and objective identification of the issues and trends most likely to impact real estate now and in the future. Membership is extended by invitation and includes principals of real estate, financial, legal, and accounting firms as well as developers, economists, futurists, and leaders of Wall Street and academia. Counselors of Real Estate endowed the MIT Real Estate Center, brought parking garages to China, developed a master plan for the Philadelphia Public Schools and valued Yale University and The Grand Canyon. Award of the CRE® Credential attests to the exceptional real property experience and decision-making skills of the recipient. Counselors reside in 20 countries and U.S. territories.
Contact: The Counselors of Real Estate, 430 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 — +1 (312) 329-8427. www.cre.org.