Van Martin, CRE, now CEO of Martin Commercial Properties

CBRE, Inc. and CBRE|Martin announced a mutual decision not to renew their affiliate agreement covering operations in Grand Rapids and Lansing, Michigan. CBRE|Martin offices in those markets will remain CBRE affiliates through the end of 2018 at which time the local firms will drop the CBRE branding and change its operating name to Martin Commercial… Read more

Theddi Wright Chappell, CRE, appointed program director for Utah C-PACE

Theddi Wright Chappell, CRE, Park City, Utah, was appointed to the position of program director for Utah Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program administration support services by Sustainable Real Estate Solutions.  In this role, Ms. Chappell will help property owners access private-sector financing for the installation of building improvements that reduce energy consumption and… Read more

Hugh Kelly, Ph.D., CRE, featured in Commercial Property Executive and The Commercial Real Estate Show

Hugh Kelly, Ph.D., CRE, special advisor, Fordham University Real Estate Institute, New York, N.Y., shared his perspective on “healthy skepticism” as companies plan strategic investment in technology in Commercial Property Executive. Mr. Kelly also was interviewed on The Commercial Real Estate Show, discussing his outlook on the commercial real estate industry, including economic trends and… Read more

K.C. Conway, CRE, featured in Bisnow, Real Estate Business Online, radio shows, journals, and elected to board of public REIT

K.C. Conway, CRE, director of research & corporate engagement, Culverhouse College of Commerce, Alabama Center for Real Estate, is frequently contacted by journalists for comments on emerging real estate issues. He was quoted in Bisnow on topics such as: Commercial real estate trends, The Amazon HQ2 location search, And why the East Coast dominated Amazon’s location… Read more

The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate