Ensure Global Visibility For Your Company's Brand

CRE sponsors receive visibility before many of the most experienced, high-level executives in the real estate industry. Sponsorships not only provide a valued benefit to program participants, but ensure global visibility for your company's brand.


2025 Sponsors

About CRE®

The Counselor organization is characterized by its selective, powerful, and highly-functioning network of property professionals worldwide. Members who hold the CRE credential are senior real estate decision makers who represent a diverse group encompassing a variety of backgrounds - developers, investors, appraisers, attorneys, financial experts, portfolio and pension fund managers, brokers, architects, etc. They also include ranking representatives of real estate consulting and accounting firms as well as leaders of Wall Street, government and academia.


Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsors will be promoted with different levels of visibility that showcase the different tiers of sponsorship.

By choosing to be a CRE Global, Platinum, or Gold Sponsor, your company will have a high-level presence throughout the year with both in-person and virtual meetings. In addition, your participation and information will be highlighted to attendees at CRE events and through digital platforms.

Global, Platinum, and Gold Sponsors receive a complimentary attendance to the in-person Annual Convention. There will also be an opportunity to meet with CRE leadership in person.

CRE's Global Webinars - What's Next for Real Estate and the Life Experience
These webinars have each had up to 800 registrants, of which over half are non-members! We host many of these webinars in partnership with other organizations, which broadens the exposure of CRE's thought leadership and showcases the CRE brand, its members, and sponsors to an entirely new audience.
CRE's Annual Convention
The Counselors' 2025 annual conference will be held September 27-30 in Detroit, MI, for members and guests. Gain access to the diversity of expertise among Counselors of Real Estate.
Specialty Interest Group "Palooza"
Taking place in the First Quarter, 12 exclusive SIG sessions are held over the course of a week.
Specialty Interest Group Virtual Meetings
Intimate CRE-only discussions that are highly attended.
CRE's Podcast Series
Open to non-members, CRE podcasts offer provocative thought leadership in succinct 10-20 minute episodes.
CRE's Website
The cre.org website receives an average of 6,000 visitors each month.
The CRE Journal, Real Estate Issues
The prestigious, peer-reviewed journal is published biweekly in digital format and is read by a cross section of industry and spheres of influence professionals.
Social Media Tags
CRE is very active on social media with exclusive as well as curated content.
CRE's Signature Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate

Annual Convention Special Event Sponsorships

By choosing to be an Annual Convention Sponsor, your company will be recognized at the particular event you select - both at the convention and in promotions prior to the in-person program.


Become a Sponsor

CRE sponsors receive visibility before experienced, innovative, and credentialed real estate problem solvers, as well as other industry professionals that do business with Counselors or receive thought leadership content from the Counselor organization.

Get The CRE Sponsorships Document

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For more information on sponsorships or becoming a sponsor, contact Larisa Phillips, Director of Education and Meetings, at lphillips@cre.org.