Ensure Global Visibility For Your Company's Brand
CRE sponsors receive visibility before many of the most experienced, high-level executives in the real estate industry. Sponsorships not only provide a valued benefit to program participants, but ensure global visibility for your company's brand.

2025 Sponsors
About CRE®
The Counselor organization is characterized by its selective, powerful, and highly-functioning network of property professionals worldwide. Members who hold the CRE credential are senior real estate decision makers who represent a diverse group encompassing a variety of backgrounds - developers, investors, appraisers, attorneys, financial experts, portfolio and pension fund managers, brokers, architects, etc. They also include ranking representatives of real estate consulting and accounting firms as well as leaders of Wall Street, government and academia.

Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsors will be promoted with different levels of visibility that showcase the different tiers of sponsorship.
By choosing to be a CRE Global, Platinum, or Gold Sponsor, your company will have a high-level presence throughout the year with both in-person and virtual meetings. In addition, your participation and information will be highlighted to attendees at CRE events and through digital platforms.
Annual Convention Special Event Sponsorships
By choosing to be an Annual Convention Sponsor, your company will be recognized at the particular event you select - both at the convention and in promotions prior to the in-person program.

Become a Sponsor
CRE sponsors receive visibility before experienced, innovative, and credentialed real estate problem solvers, as well as other industry professionals that do business with Counselors or receive thought leadership content from the Counselor organization.