Vice President & Senior Underwriting Counsel, Benchmark Title Agency, LLC
White Plains, NY
Work Phone: (914) 250-2413
Practice Focus: Title insurance; emphasis on complex transactions, foreclosures, REO, and distressed properties; experienced foreclosure referee and receiver.
Chapter Affiliation:
New York Metropolitan
Managing Director, Integra Realty Resources - Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Work Phone: (412) 683-2212
Practice Focus: Specialized valuation and consulting assignments for litigation support, eminent domain, tax assessment and financing.
Chapter Affiliation:
No Chapter
President, Access Valuation, LLC
Indianapolis, IN
Work Phone: (317) 571-8800
Practice Focus: Attorney/appraiser/instructor specializing in valuation of environmentally damaged property, consulting, &forensic appraising for litigation purposes.
Chapter Affiliation:
Founder and Partner, Austen & Gowder, LLC
Charleston, SC
Work Phone: (843) 727-2229
Practice Focus: Land use, planning and zoning, property, land conservation and historic preservation, state and local government, benefit and nonprofit corporations
Chapter Affiliation:
Principal, Cross-Continent Real Estate Mediation & Arbitration
Greenwood, IN
Practice Focus: Alternative dispute resolution, complex litigation matters, real estate assessment appeals, and valuation.
Chapter Affiliation:
President, Real Service Benedetti
Work Phone: + 39 0473 236613
Practice Focus: Real Estate Advisory.
Real Estate Valuation.
Real Estate Transactions
Real Estate Investment
Chapter Affiliation:
Owner, Otis E. Hackett & Associates
Solana Beach, CA
Work Phone: (858) 720-1322
Practice Focus: Litigation support, analysis of investment properties and easement valuation.
Chapter Affiliation:
San Diego
President, CEO, The Cascade Group, LLC
Monona, WI
Work Phone: (608) 444-1356
Practice Focus: Corporate real estate, investment and development services including acquisitions, dispositions, tenant rep, project management and consulting.
Chapter Affiliation:
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The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate