Founding Member, McDonough PLLC
Babylon, NY
Work Phone: (631) 350-9292
Practice Focus: Municipal and public sector real estate expert specializing in acquisitions, dispositions, leasing, development, and policy advisory for governments.
Chapter Affiliation:
New York Metropolitan
Shareholder, Pender & Coward, P.C.
Suffolk, VA
Work Phone: (757) 502-7333
Practice Focus: Chair of Pender & Coward’s Right of Way/Eminent Domain Practice Group.
Chapter Affiliation:
Capital Region,Carolinas
Director, Quest Site Solutions
Greenville, SC
Work Phone: (864) 551-0349
Practice Focus: Site Selection and Economic Development Consulting: location evaluation, property investigations, workforce analysis, tax incentive negotiations, etc.
Chapter Affiliation:
Principal, Foster Garvey PC
Seattle, WA
Work Phone: (206) 447-2887
Practice Focus: Kinnon focuses his practice on eminent domain, relocation assistance, and acquisition of real property for public projects.
Chapter Affiliation:
Pacific Northwest
Managing Member, Energility
Columbus, OH
Work Phone: (614) 746-9276
Practice Focus: Energy management
Energy efficiency
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE)
Energy finance, grants, and incentives
Chapter Affiliation:
Central and Northern Ohio
Principal & Founder, Sagax Associates, LLC
Wilmington, DE
Work Phone: (302) 217-3035
Practice Focus: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies, Economic Recovery & Resilience Planning, Federal Funding Technical Assistance and training,
Chapter Affiliation:
Delaware Valley
Acton, Massachusetts
Practice Focus: Elizabeth is a trusted advisor whose specialty is executing high quality, comprehensive property due diligence services for premier CRE investors.
Chapter Affiliation:
New England
Principal, AR Spruce LLC
Philadelphia, PA
Work Phone: (215) 850-0955
Practice Focus: Develop, manage, and advise on urban real estate of all types, including distressed assets (REO), historic redevelopment, data centers.
Chapter Affiliation:
Delaware Valley
Principal, B.C. Underwood LLC
Rye Beach, NH
Work Phone: (603) 387-1340
Practice Focus: Real Estate Counseling & Appraisal
Litigation Support
Complex Real Estate
Chapter Affiliation:
New England
Managing Principal, Imanaka Asato LLLC
Honolulu, HI
Work Phone: (808) 521-9500
Practice Focus: Real estate development and financing law including subdivisions, hotels, condominiums, and timeshare development; also govermental affairs.
Chapter Affiliation:
The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate