Ms. Catherine Polleys, CRE

Commercial Real Estate Professional, Self Employed
Park City, UT

Work Phone: 4356311361

Practice Focus: Utilizing 35+ years in the institutional commercial real estate industry. Focus on investment strategy, risk management and portfolio design.

Chapter Affiliation: Utah

Mr. David Dominy, CRE

Managing Director, JLL Valuation & Advisory Services
Houston, TX

Work Phone: (713) 243-3333

Practice Focus: Valuation and counseling for a variety of clients.

Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast

Dr. Will McIntosh, Ph.D., CRE

Global Head of Research, Affinius Capital
San Antonio, TX

Work Phone: (210) 347-8828

Practice Focus: Real estate investment research, institutional investing; economic, capital market, and market trends; portfolio strategy; market/investment analysis.

Chapter Affiliation: No Chapter

Mr. Brian Chandler, CRE

Senior Managing Director, National Practice Lead – Seniors Housing, Partner Valuation Advisors
Apex, NC

Work Phone: 2148080044

Practice Focus: Seniors housing and healthcare.

Chapter Affiliation: Carolinas

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Mr. Michael Sobolik, CRE

Managing Director - Research, North America, INVESCO Real Estate
Dallas, TX

Work Phone: (972) 715-5807

Practice Focus: Investment strategy for property allocation and market selection, market cycle analysis, thought leadership.

Chapter Affiliation: Dallas/Fort Worth

Mr. John Keeling, CRE

Executive Vice President, Valencia Group
Houston, TX

Work Phone: (713) 871-0221

Practice Focus: CPA, MAI, Hotel litigation: appraisals, management agreements, lost profits, bankruptcy, business interruption, separation of real & intangible assets

Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast

Mr. William Chandler, CRE

Owner, CEO, Chandler and Chandler
Memphis, TN

Work Phone: (901) 359-4453

Practice Focus: Historic rehabilitation, community development, historic tax credit equity, new markets tax credit equity investments, difficult projects.

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Ms. Jody Odom, CRE

Vice President, Morgan Stanley
New York, NY

Work Phone: (212) 762-0695

Practice Focus: Valuation, market studies, litigation support and appraisal review for all commercial property types.

Chapter Affiliation: Carolinas

Mr. Robert McCloskey, CRE

, McCloskey Mulet Bonnin Appraisers, PSC
San Juan, PR

Work Phone: (787) 774-6520

Practice Focus: Special purpose properties including golf and hotel resorts.

The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate