Mr. Ladson Haddow, CRE
Work Phone: (404) 577-7222
Practice Focus: - Highest and Best Use Analysis - Development Feasibility Studies - Disposition and Acquisition Counseling
Chapter Affiliation: Georgia
Work Phone: (404) 577-7222
Practice Focus: - Highest and Best Use Analysis - Development Feasibility Studies - Disposition and Acquisition Counseling
Chapter Affiliation: Georgia
Work Phone: (415) 464-6401
Practice Focus: Healthcare real estate including medical & dental office buildings, Life Sciences, and seniors housing (ALF's, SNF's, MC's) throughout the U.S. Broker
Chapter Affiliation: California (Northern)
Work Phone: 7818206897
Practice Focus: Elizabeth is a trusted advisor whose specialty is executing high quality, comprehensive property due diligence services for premier CRE investors.
Chapter Affiliation: New England
Work Phone: (626) 844-2200
Practice Focus: To counsel commercial property owners and users to create the most value for their assets.
Chapter Affiliation: California (Southern)
Work Phone: (204) 474-2000
Practice Focus: Commercial real estate and investment management in Canada, providing full service to property owners/occupiers and pension funds.
Chapter Affiliation: Canadian
Work Phone: (267) 253-6166
Practice Focus: Acquisition, sale, and financing of commercial real estate properties, and leasing of office, retail, warehouse and industrial space.
Chapter Affiliation: Delaware Valley
Work Phone: (612) 215-7361
Practice Focus: Consulting from a valuation, investment, and development perspective.
Chapter Affiliation: Minnesota
Work Phone: (314) 324-7500
Practice Focus: Single tenant net leased investments.
Work Phone: 6174805118
Practice Focus: Two areas of focus: 1) Real Estate Services and 2) Real Estate Investments in both debt and equity, primarily in North America.
Chapter Affiliation: New England
Work Phone: 7812292022
Practice Focus: Advisory Specialist in the Acquisition, Disposition, and Finance of Middle-Market NNN Commercial Real Estate throughout the New England marketplace.
Chapter Affiliation: New England
The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate