Mr. Alvin Benton, Jr., CRE
Work Phone: (404) 401-0464
Practice Focus: Valuation/counseling/expert witness testimony for tax appeals.
Chapter Affiliation: Georgia
Work Phone: (404) 401-0464
Practice Focus: Valuation/counseling/expert witness testimony for tax appeals.
Chapter Affiliation: Georgia
Work Phone: (407) 648-2199 ext. 220
Practice Focus: Valuations of military bases, sewer/water systems, electrical utilities, expert witness.
Chapter Affiliation: Florida
Work Phone: (212) 841-7885
Practice Focus: Valuation counseling on major urban assets, including arbitrations and ground leases.
Chapter Affiliation: New York Metropolitan
Work Phone: (203) 216-3540
Practice Focus: Consultation/valuation of large income-producing and/or development properties throughout the U.S. and Caribbean, experienced expert witness.
Chapter Affiliation: New York Metropolitan
Work Phone: (860) 424-4332
Practice Focus: Real and personal property tax matters for all commercial property types; eminent domain and relocation matters.
Chapter Affiliation: Connecticut
Work Phone: (860) 2140092
Practice Focus: Appraisal, counseling and brokerage services for commercial and institutional properties, litigation support.
Chapter Affiliation: Connecticut
Work Phone: (310) 821-6777
Practice Focus: Skilled neutral for resolution of real estate disputes and consultant for complex real estate litigation.
Chapter Affiliation: California (Southern)
Work Phone: (213) 225-7217
Practice Focus: Valuation and consulting for leasehold/leased fee estates, land development, litigation support, agricultural real estate, special purpose properties.
Chapter Affiliation: California (Southern)
Work Phone: (949)681-8020
Practice Focus: Expert witness for CRE sale, leasing, brokerage and receivership litigation.
Chapter Affiliation: California (Southern)
Work Phone: (818) 251-3663
Practice Focus: Appraisal of all major property types; forensic valuation analyses; litigation support and strategy; expert testimony; arbitration services.
Chapter Affiliation: California (Southern)
The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate