Mr. John Walsh, III, CRE
Work Phone: (214) 546-5328
Practice Focus: Developing, leasing, managing and operating office, industrial and retail income properties with/for advisers and investors.
Chapter Affiliation: Dallas/Fort Worth
Work Phone: (214) 546-5328
Practice Focus: Developing, leasing, managing and operating office, industrial and retail income properties with/for advisers and investors.
Chapter Affiliation: Dallas/Fort Worth
Work Phone: (956) 504-6550
Practice Focus: Commercial and residential development; sales and leasing; property management; planning; consulting; expert witness; and REALTOR.
Chapter Affiliation: Southwest
Work Phone: (832) 77-11181
Practice Focus: Economic analysis for development, valuation analysis, market research, master planned communities, mixed-use and sustainable land development.
Work Phone: (713) 348-6137
Practice Focus: Consulting on CMBS valuation, real estate finance, real estate investment analysis, and securitization.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Work Phone: (713) 784-4500
Practice Focus: Urban planning and land development.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Work Phone: (713) 243-3333
Practice Focus: Valuation and counseling for a variety of clients.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Work Phone: (713) 662-3500
Practice Focus: Valuation and acquisition counseling for public and private sector clients.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Work Phone: (915) 581-1508
Practice Focus: Investment and market analysis of the office and industrial sectors, litigation support.
Chapter Affiliation: Southwest
Work Phone: (972) 404-1433
Practice Focus: Dallas/Fort Worth income-producing properties.
Chapter Affiliation: Dallas/Fort Worth
Work Phone: (713) 871-0221
Practice Focus: CPA, MAI, Hotel litigation: appraisals, management agreements, lost profits, bankruptcy, business interruption, separation of real & intangible assets
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate