RESOURCE REVIEW: Privatizing Military Family Housing: A History of the U.S. Army’s Residential Communities Initiative, 1995–2010

  • December 19, 2012
  • • Written by: Peter L. Holland, CRE

Winter 2012, Vol. 37, Nos. 2&3
Abstract: As reviewer Peter Holland, CRE, notes, this book “is an advocacy piece” as well as a history of U.S. Army military housing, but it might not have been written at all if not for the innovative thinking and efforts of CRE Mahlon “Sandy” Apgar, IV. In his role as Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment beginning in 1998, Apgar envisioned the public-private partnership endeavor called the Residential Communities Initiative that exists today as the most successful solution to modernizing Army military housing, and personally guided it from concept to fruition. Today this initiative continues as a model for providing troops with modern housing.