The CRE® Foundation


Initially created as an Educational Trust Fund in 1965, the Foundation broadened its mission in 1997 as a philanthropic vehicle for the CRE organization, adding a separate international corpus endowed by Daryl Lippincott, CRE, in 2000. The current balance of the combined corpuses is about $1.6 million and over $1.2 million in grants have been funded to date both domestically and internationally.


The Counselors of Real Estate Foundation supports projects that benefit positive social, community, and educational efforts that feature a meaningful connection to real estate and knowledge sharing, while enhancing the ability of The Counselors of Real Estate® to help others and give back to communities - worldwide.


Grant requests should meet the following parameters:

  1. Support the mission of The Counselors of Real Estate Foundation.
  2. Grants typically range between $10,000 and $30,000 per year per recipient but can be higher (up to $100,000) for projects approved for multi-year funding.
  3. Grant period no longer than three years.
  4. A Counselor of Real Estate must be involved in either the grant application process or in actively monitoring/implementing the project.
  5. Grant applications are accepted at any time. However, Foundation meetings typically take place in mid-February and mid-September. Applications received less than 30 days in advance of a scheduled meeting of the Foundation Trustees may be deferred to a future meeting.


  • Except under unusual circumstances, grants are limited to government and not-for-profit entities.
  • Except under unusual circumstances, grants are not made to fund local charities that might be more appropriately funded by local interests.
  • The CRE Foundation generally does not fund projects that:

A. Include stipends to CREs, with the possible exception of research directly connected to the commercial real estate industry ("abstract" academic research is not traditionally funded).

B. Include allocations to:

    • Salaries
    • Administrative costs
    • Travel and associated expenditures by project staff
    • For-Profit entities and commercial enterprises

C. Provide education targeted to professional audiences who have the means to cover expenses.

D. Underwrite curriculum development.

E. Advocate a specific position or point of view. (No exceptions to this provision)


It is not necessary for a grant request to meet every criteria/characteristic listed below; the list is intended to provide general guidance for the projects that the Foundation is seeking to fund.

  • Having a game-changing, consequential focus on critical contemporary real estate issues.
  • Improving the level of data and data analysis used in the real estate industry.
  • Making a meaningful difference in a local community including disaster relief if directly related to a real estate issue such as housing.
  • Providing highly relevant, purposeful real estate education at the local, regional and global level.
  • Projects that can be replicated in other communities and/or serve as a template for future projects.
  • Projects that encourage the participation and engagement of under-represented groups in the field of real estate.
  • Projects that showcase and enhance The Counselors of Real Estate® brand; and potentially related to The Counselors' “Top Ten Issues”.


Help make the CRE Foundation a force in your community by donating today.


James S. Lee, CRE - Foundation Chair
William P.J. McCarthy, CRE - Foundation Vice Chair
John J. Baczewski, CRE - Foundation Secretary/Treasurer
Mary C. Bujold, CRE - Trustee
Deborah J. Cloutier, CRE - Trustee
Randal D. Dawson, CRE - Trustee
P. Barton DeLacy, CRE - Trustee
Graham C. Grady, CRE - Trustee
David Hooks, CRE - Trustee
Gregory B. Ibbetson, CRE - Trustee
Roy J. Schneiderman, CRE - Trustee
Peter E. Sockler, CRE - Trustee
A. Lloyd Thomas, CRE - Trustee
Jerry W. Turner, Jr., CRE - Trustee
Elaine M. Worzala, CRE - Trustee
Bowen H. McCoy, CRE - Trustee Emeritus