Mr. Brian Lightle, CRE
Work Phone: (321) 863-3228
Practice Focus: Adding value in the Office, Industrial and Retail sectors of Commercial Real Estate throughout Florida, focusing on the Space Coast.
Chapter Affiliation: Florida
Work Phone: (321) 863-3228
Practice Focus: Adding value in the Office, Industrial and Retail sectors of Commercial Real Estate throughout Florida, focusing on the Space Coast.
Chapter Affiliation: Florida
Work Phone: 3013058999
Practice Focus: Hagerstown, MD Tri-State. Advisor-Broker. Commercial RE analysis. Site selection. Property Evaluations. CRE course author.
Chapter Affiliation: Capital Region
Work Phone: 919-896-4431
Practice Focus: Consulting in the areas of business development, strategic planning and commercial brokerage. Experience 26+ years in Development and Investment CRE.
Chapter Affiliation: Carolinas
Work Phone: (415) 464-6401
Practice Focus: Healthcare real estate including medical & dental office buildings, Life Sciences, and seniors housing (ALF's, SNF's, MC's) throughout the U.S. Broker
Chapter Affiliation: California (Northern)
Work Phone: 15049064091
Practice Focus: Maritime-industrial development, valuation finance, brokerage, public-private partnerships, and port authority management.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Work Phone: (864) 784-9918
Practice Focus: Single-Family Rental (SFR) & Build-For-Rent (BFR) Multi-Family Housing Hospitality & Leisure
Chapter Affiliation: Carolinas
Work Phone: 301-767-6823
Practice Focus: Asset Mgmt/Strategies, Corporate Real Estate, Portfolio Mgmt, Team Structuring/Integration, Landlord/Tenant Disputes, Risk Management Strategies
Chapter Affiliation: Pacific Northwest
Work Phone: (713) 773-548
Practice Focus: Commercial real estate brokerage, specializing in retail tenant and landlord representation, development consulting and investments.
Chapter Affiliation: Houston/Gulf Coast
Practice Focus: Economic and Community Development with a focus on public/private partnerships.
Chapter Affiliation: Georgia
Work Phone: 2566564484
Practice Focus: Downtown redevelopment, retail development and innovation, mixed - use development, land development, public - private partnerships, brokerage.
Chapter Affiliation: No Chapter
The Counselors of Real Estate®, established in 1953, is an international group of high profile professionals including members of prominent real estate, financial, legal and accounting firms as well as leaders of government and academia who provide expert, objective advice on complex real property situations and land-related matters. Membership is selective, extended by invitation only. The organization’s CRE® (Counselor of Real Estate) credential is granted to all members in recognition of superior problem solving ability in various areas of real estate counseling. For more information, contact The Counselors of Real Estate