Vice President, Sitar Law Offices
Iselin, NJ
Work Phone: (732) 283-9000
Practice Focus: Mr. Sitar is a licensed commercial RE broker and attorney with extensive experience in handling industrial / retail properties and tax appeals.
Chapter Affiliation:
New Jersey
Attorney, Waas Campbell Rivera Johnson & Velasquez LLP
Denver, CO
Work Phone: (720) 351-4703
Practice Focus: Eminent domain, real estate and land use litigation.
Chapter Affiliation:
Attorney/Partner, Dawson & Sodd, PLLC
Dallas, TX
Practice Focus: My practice is representation of landowners affected by eminent domain or condemnation actions.
Chapter Affiliation:
Dallas/Fort Worth
Condemnation Attorney, McFarland PLLC
Houston, TX
Work Phone: (713) 325-9701
Practice Focus: Charles McFarland has extensive experience representing landowners whose private property has been taken by the government for public use.
Chapter Affiliation:
Houston/Gulf Coast
Founder/Partner, Guzov, LLC
New York, NY
Work Phone: (212) 371-8008
Practice Focus: Commercial litigation for the real estate industry, cooperative and condominium counseling, commercial leasing, and commercial real estate finance.
Chapter Affiliation:
New York Metropolitan
Member, Bybee & Tibbals, LLC
Mount Pleasant, SC
Work Phone: (843) 881-1623
Practice Focus: Jeff Tibbals is a counselor and trial lawyer focusing on eminent domain and other real estate disputes, with more than 20 years of experience.
Chapter Affiliation:
Attorney, Zipp & Tannenbaum, LLC
Edison, NJ
Work Phone: (732) 605-1000
Practice Focus: Ms. Sassaman’s areas of practice include Real Estate and Redevelopment Law with a primary focus on real estate valuation based litigation.
Chapter Affiliation:
New Jersey
Senior Managing Director, Head of Real Estate, Guggenheim Partners
St. Louis, MO
Work Phone: (314) 754-7663
Practice Focus: Leads the real estate sector team for Guggenheim Partners Investment Management.
Chapter Affiliation:
No Chapter
Partner, Nossaman LLP
Irvine, CA
Work Phone: (949) 833-7800
Practice Focus: Eminent Domain, Inverse Condemnation, Other Regulatory Takings and Real Estate Valuation Disputes
Chapter Affiliation:
California (Southern)
Partner, Dow Golub Remels & Gilbreath, PLLC
Houston, TX
Work Phone: (713) 403-4216
Practice Focus: Commercial Real Estate Attorney
Chapter Affiliation:
Houston/Gulf Coast
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