CRE Chair's Award
An annual award to be given at the discretion of the Chair to a team of CREs whose activity best demonstrates advancing the success of the organization. The three liaison vice chairmen will recommend the nominees. The award will be a perpetual trophy to reside at the CRE headquarters, with the recipients receiving a CRE commemorative plaque.
Examples: CRE Consulting Corp assignment that proved more difficult than most, Chapter activity that raises the profile of the CRE in their region, or a committee, subcommittee, or group of CREs whose collaborative efforts went over and above.
The Counselors of Real Estate’s Governance Task Force received the CRE Chair’s Award for Group Service for its efforts in studying and recommending a streamlined governance structure. The honor is an annual recognition of a team of CREs whose collaborative efforts significantly enhanced the organization.
Jeanette Rice, CRE, and Richard Tannenbaum, CRE, CPA, co-chaired the task force with members Philip Cottone, CRE, MCRE; Mark Duclos, CRE, SIOR; Cassandra Francis, CRE, FRICS; Brian Glanville, CRE, MAI, FRICS; and Catherine Polleys, CRE.