Jim Costello, CRE

Senior Vice President – Real Capital Analytics

Jim Costello has worked in the CRE space on issues of urban economics since 1990, including a 20 year stint at CBRE with the Torto Wheaton Research team. Jim expanded the reach of the Torto Wheaton Research developing forecasts of global market fundamentals. Jim also developed approaches to pair the forecast results with frameworks to answer investor questions on asset values and relative investment opportunities.

Jim provided advice to the Treasury Department and other policy makers in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis and helped educate these professionals on commercial real estate performance. Jim has recently been made a member of the Commercial Board of Governors of the Mortgage Bankers Administration and is working there as well to help policy makers understand our industry.

Jim is expanding the capabilities of the Real Capital Analytics team on issues of real estate market dynamics. Jim has a Master’s degree in economics and is a member of The Counselors of Real Estate.