Does China Meet the Preconditions for long term Investment in Real Estate?

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: A recent visit and grandparenthood contributes to the author’s personal reflection on the prospects of China as a source for real estate investment. Expect to read about China’s changing political, economic, social and financial scenes as the country’s overall landscape shifts to a freer, more open society.  

Real Estate Development and the Takings Clause: Dolan v. City of Tigard

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: Real estate developers and counselors must be concerned with the impact of land dedication conditions and other use restrictions related to the feasibility of development and its profitability. In June 1994, the United States Supreme Court directly addressed these concerns. The Supreme Court in an interpretation of the Takings… Read more

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Public/Private Joint Ventures: The Government as Partner – Bane or Benefit?

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: Public/private joint ventures are a recent phenomenon in U.S. real estate development. Author, M.J. Brodie outlines the evolution of public-sector involvement in U.S. development and details his experiences as director of two public agencies – Baltimore’s Department of Housing and Community Development and the federally chartered Pennsylvania Avenue Development… Read more

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Public Incentives for Development: Responding to Fiscal Constraints

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: In response to increasing state and federal cutbacks in support of economic development, localities, now more than ever, need to be self-reliant. The resources that are available, including tax increment financing, revolving loan funds and others, need to be carefully targeted to projects that truly need assistance.  

Mixed-Income Housing: A New Direction in State and Federal Programs

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: Quality design, construction and management, and good neighborhood environment underlie the success of mixed-income housing developments. The success stories, described in this article, are documented by research and analysis of mixed-income housing experiences in Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Montgomery County, Maryland.

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Mexico After the Tumble

August 1995, Vol 20, No 2 Abstract: Once the focus of global investors, Mexico stumbled in December 1994, and the peso lost half its value while permitted to float freely against the dollar. Politically stability, the keynote of President Salinas' administration, was replaced with instability and indecision under the country's new president, Ernesto Zedillo. This article recounts the events since the late 1994 free-fall and the impact it will... Read More

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