To Build or Not to Build: An Analysis of the Benefits of New Sports Facilities

December 1996, Vol 21, No 3 Abstract: The article explores the current atmosphere of stadium and arena construction, the debate surrounding the benefits of such construction and a discussion of specific examples of recent construction activity. Current activity is discussed based on the development of the sports industry’s economic structure and its impact on the playing… Read more

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The Impact of Stadiums and Arenas

December 1996, Vol 21, No 3 Abstract: Building new stadiums is controversial. Opponents say stadiums are driven by greed and incredible cost. Proponents counter that stadiums have economic and psychic impacts. Both are right and both are wrong. Moreover, many locational and people issues are lost in the discussion process on a stadium’s impact in an… Read more

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Legal Issues – Real Estate and the Internet

December 1996, Vol 21, No 3

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New Sports Facilities in the 1990s – A Tale of Elephants and Blind Men

December 1996, Vol 21, No 3 Abstract: Arguments rage with religious fervor over the construction of professional sports facilities with public funds. These debates are driven by dogma, not data. Team owners, elected officials, construction professionals and fans see the same facts, but all reach different, passionately held conclusions. The author describes the NFL’s recent expansion… Read more

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Major League Cities

December 1996, Vol 21, No 3 Abstract: The past decade has witnessed unprecedented growth in the construction of new sports facilities. While offering the latest in fan amenities and team facilities, new sports venues also add considerable value to a franchise and generate excitement and growth potential in the communities where they are built. Three of… Read more

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Factory Outlet Centers: Public vs. Private Pricing

August 1996, Vol 21, No 2 Abstract: This article examines the differences in investor attitudes toward public versus private pricing in the rapidly growing factory outlet sector. While most institutional real estate financiers remained on the sidelines in the early 1990s, the public rushed in and purchased stock in outlet center companies. What is the relationship between capitalization rates and dividends, and what is the stock market... Read More