Focus on the Economy: Reading the Tea Leaves

Winter 2000/2001, Vol 25, No 4 Abstract not available.

Hotel Operators Open Pandora’s Box: From “Agent” to “Fiduciary” & Beyond

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract: Woodley Road represents a dramatic change for the hospitality industry. In addition to exposing almost every operator to paying big damages to hotel owners, the case could also give owners a free termination right for long-term management agreements or powerful currency to renegotiate existing agreements. Indeed, the case has… Read more

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Property Markets, Monopolies & Microsoft

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract: By virtue of physics and uniqueness, real estate inherently involves elements of monopoly in the property markets. The Microsoft antitrust litigation has both strategic implications for and direct applications to real estate. Monopoly, simply stated, involves dominance of a market, which dominance can take many forms, for market share… Read more

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Resource Review: Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract not available.

Focus on Research: Technology Plays a Heavy Market Role

Fall 2000, Vol 25, No 3 Abstract not available. Read More