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2017 Annual Convention – Montréal
Cities In Motion: Innovation & Adaptation From the Historic District to the growing Tech Hub, Montréal is as romantically traditional as it is cutting-edge innovative, as cosmopolitan dynamic as it is small-town friendly. Montréal is the largest city in Canada’s Québec province. It’s set on an island in the Saint Lawrence River and named after Mt. Royal, the triple-peaked hill at its heart. Its boroughs, many of which were once independent cities, include neighborhoods ranging from cobblestoned, French colonial Vieux-Montréal…

Featured Programs
† Ticketed event * Closed event
Sunday, September 24 |
2:00P-5:00P |
Development Tour: Montréal Embraces Major Public-Private Infrastructure and Real Estate Projects †A combination bus and walking Tour. Tour Guides: Marie-Andrée Boutin, Vice President of Real Estate, Aldo Group; Michel Couillard, CRE, President, CEO, Busac Real Estate; Nicolas Désourdy, Vice-President & Partner, Leasing, Carbonleo; Brian Fahey, President, fahey + associates; Claude Marcotte, Vice President, Carbonleo; Alexandre Ménard, Director, Investments and Development, Busac Real Estate; and Brian Salpeter, Senior Vice President, Development, Cadillac Fairview These are exciting times in Montréal and developments worth billions are sprouting up left and right. The orange cones that have been bedeviling Montréal motorists appear to be paying off and the real estate community is decidedly buoyant about the high number of construction projects in the city. On this tour, you will drive on Bonaventure Boulevard – the redevelopment of the entrance to Downtown Montréal. Then continue on the old Champlain Bridge and view the new bridge under construction – a major public-private partnership project. The next stop is Quartier DIX30 – Canada’s largest commercial lifestyle center. It was designed to emulate an urban or downtown shopping experience with boutiques, hotels, office and work spaces, restaurants, entertainment and sports venue to meet the needs of non-core dwellers living on the South Shore of Montréal. Then you will visit Griffintown, the industrial birthplace of Canada that was home to a storied working-class Irish community, now transformed into a vibrant hot neighborhood for students, young professionals and empty nesters; one of numerous examples of urban rejuvenation and transformation happening in the downtown core. Lastly, a presentation by Cadillac Fairview, providing an overview of the development of Deloitte Tower, the city’s latest Platinum LEED, privately-owned and financed commercial office tower built as a part of the Quad-Windsor development, a major mixed-use redevelopment in the area surrounding Gare Windsor and the Bell Centre. |
6:00P-8:00P |
Welcome Reception†Au Sommet Place Ville Marie We’ll kick the Convention off with the most beautiful views of Montréal at Au Sommet Place Ville Marie just a ½ block away from the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel. On the 46th floor, the 360° Observation Deck offers an unparalleled view. But this essential space offers much more than a view: it’s the very best definition of Montréal as seen from the top, further enhanced by a wonderful tasting experience of typical Montréal cuisine. |
Monday, September 25 |
7:15A-8:00A |
Opening Breakfast |
7:15A-8:15A |
New Member Orientation Breakfast *New members meet with national leadership over breakfast to discuss The Counselor organization: its credential, activities, programs, and unique culture. |
8:15A-8:30A |
Welcome AddressChair’s Award Presentation Scott Muldavin, CRE, 2017 Chair of the Board |
8:30A-9:30A |
Keynote Opening: Welcome To Montréal!Speakers: The Honorable Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montréal; Éric Filion, Vice President – Customers, Hydro-Québec Distribution; and Stéphane Paquet, Vice-President, Investment Greater Montréal, Montréal International Introductions: Michel Couillard, CRE, President, CEO, Busac Real Estate Although she is 375 years old this year, Montréal is anything but staid and stuffy! From cobblestone streets to slick skyscrapers, the historic and the ultra-modern blend seamlessly in Canada’s second largest city and North America’s most European Capital. Montréal is both unique and strategic in its transformation (the city today resembles one big construction site and a repository of a treasured history). These panelists will highlight the city’s commitment to sustainability, investment opportunities, healthy living, and a revered and well known quality of life for its citizens. You will enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at your host city by those who know it best. |
9:45A-11:00A |
Making Infrastructure Happen: Public-Private PartnershipsSpeakers: Dominic Chalifoux, Vice President & Senior Asset Operations Manager, Axium; Daniel Fariña, Executive Director, Project Co – CHUM; and Christophe Petit, President & Managing Partner; Star America Infrastructure Partners Moderator: Sekhar Angepat, Managing Director and Co-Head, Infrastructure Finance, RBC Capital Markets Public-Private Partnerships – PPPs – have never been easy. This panel will look at the “big picture” of PPPs – what works and what doesn’t. Whereas markets in some regions have recovered completely, others continue to struggle. But everywhere, PPPs have become critical to the transformations that are taking place in the urban environment in both primary and secondary markets, using new methods of financing from a variety of sources, including significant foreign investment. Panelists will discuss “creative alliances” and the real-life mistakes and lessons learned which characterize Public-Private Partnerships across the globe. |
11:15A-12:30P |
Retail Industry – In Crisis?Speakers: Marie-Andrée Boutin, Vice-President Real Estate, Aldo Group; Raymond Cirz, CRE, EVP Valuations, Integra Realty Resources; Stefan Feuerriegel, Ph.D., CRE, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright (Germany) LLP; Jean-François Grenier, Principal and Senior Director Retail Development & Research, Altus Group; and Ralf-Peter Koschny, CRE, Member, Directory Board, bulwiengesa AG Moderator: Nicholas Chatzitsolis, CRE, Managing Director, Axies S.A. (Part of CBRE Affiliate Network) The retail apocalypse has descended on North America. But this phenomenon is not yet evident in Europe. In fact, European forecasters predict even further growth for this sector, especially in malls and outlet centers. Why is this? Is such growth sustainable going forward? Panelists will debate the current situation and the prospects of this important property sector. What is the impact of online retail on food, fashion, DIY, and consumer electronics across Europe versus North America? What strategies are retailers counting on to cope with online challenges and what is the outlook for the shopping center? What methods are being applied by retailers, owners, investors and lenders (i.e., turnover rent vs. fixed rent, baskets for loss, special termination rights, etc.)? This panel of experts will debate the current situation on both sides of the Atlantic and offer predictions on what is to come, and the effects of outcomes on cities, consumers, and real estate markets worldwide. |
12:45P-2:15P |
Welcome LuncheonTrends in Cybersecurity Guest Speaker: Dr. Sunny Handa, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Introduction: Pierre-Denis Leroux, Esq., CRE, Partner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP |
2:30P-3:45P |
Hospitality: Current Trends & IssuesSpeakers: Giuliano Gasparini, CRE, Senior Manager, Hospitality and Leisure Asset Management, Aldar Properties; Alam Pirani, Executive Managing Director | Hotels, Colliers International; Monique Rosszell, Managing Director, Toronto, HVS; and Roz Winegrad, Area Vice President, Owner and Franchise Services, Marriott Hotels Moderator: Suzanne Mellen, CRE, Senior Managing Director, HVS San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Panelists from the U.S., Europe, and Canada will provide their perspective on hotel performance, development and investment trends; disruptive technology; operating costs and the impact of mergers and acquisitions. |
4:00P-5:00P |
Laying the Groundwork of Large-Scale DevelopmentSpeakers: Claude Marcotte, Vice President, Carbonleo; Bernard Poliquin, Senior Vice President, Ivanhoé Cambridge; and Brian Salpeter, Senior Vice President, Development, Cadillac Fairview Moderator: Michal Kuzmicki, CRE, Vice President, Brookfield Financial Every large-scale development comes with major challenges (and opportunities). Each featured panelist is currently involved in one or more major projects in Montréal’s downtown core and will discuss the unique issues they face, the strategies they apply to address them, and how they minimize risk. Why were specific decisions made in various real estate developments? How did they design the different uses of the project? How will changing transportation trends affect parking requirements for new development? The pitfalls and lessons learned: we’ll cover it all. |
6:30P-10:30P |
Chair’s Dinner †Le Mount Stephen Hotel Located in the heart of Montréal’s Golden Square Mile lies Le Mount Stephen Hotel. The historic backdrop for this year’s Chair’s Dinner honoring 2017 Chair of the Board, Scott Muldavin and wife, Susanne Ragen and welcoming 2018 Chair of the Board, Joe Nahas and wife, Suzanne. Le Mount Stephen Hotel is a brand new addition to a historic private club, originally the home of George Stephen, President of the Bank of Montréal, who rose to become the first President of Canadian Pacific Railway. Enjoy the evening at this magnificent property of priceless architectural and historic value. |
Tuesday, September 26 |
8:00A-9:30A |
Business Issues ForumsChoose from these four sessions:
9:45A-10:45A |
The Global Economy & Real Estate Trends: Is Capital Following Growth?Speakers: Mario Lefebvre, Vice President, Research – Global Real Estate Markets, Ivanhoé Cambridge and Spencer Levy, Americas Head of Research and Senior Economic Advisor, CBRE Moderator: Paige Mueller, CRE, Real Estate Consultant. Whitegate Real Estate Advisors Is capital following economic growth or is it diverging from it? And if it is diverging, why? Two recognized economic experts discuss the changing patterns of economic growth across the globe, where investors are placing capital, and why. What new investment opportunities are institutional investors focusing on or steering clear of? |
11:00A-12:15P |
How Cities Reinvent ThemselvesSpeakers: Stephen Leeper, President & CEO, 3CDC (Cincinnati Center City Development Corporation); Sharon Madison, CEO, The Madison Companies, Detroit; and Thomas Murphy, Senior Fellow, ULI and former Mayor of Pittsburgh Moderator: Hugh Kelly, Ph.D., CRE, Special Advisor, Fordham University Real Estate Institute at Lincoln Center, Brooklyn Many cities in the U.S. and elsewhere have suffered from the decline or outright loss of their key support industries. A former steel town, Pittsburgh has completely rebuilt its economy over the last 30 years. Detroit is now undertaking a similar effort. And Cincinnati turned a neighborhood that in 2009 topped Compton in Los Angeles for the “most dangerous” title into something that looks and feels like Greenwich Village. There are common ingredients successful cities employ to change and evolve. Among those ingredients are demographic and economic diversity, employment opportunity, housing opportunity and diversity, retail and service offerings, available transportation (both public and private), public safety, and a variety of cultural amenities. Speakers from these cities will discuss strategy, execution, and what they learned along the way. |
12:30P-2:00P |
Member LuncheonPresentation of the Landauer/White Award and the Committee Service Award |
2:15P-3:30P |
Making Cities Work: Planning Innovations in Europe & North AmericaSpeakers: Marie-Noёlle Brisson, CRE, Managing Partner, Thalia Development LLC; Theddi Wright Chappell, CRE, CEO, Sustainable Values, Inc.; Tomáš Ctibor, CRE, Owner/Managing Director, 4ct; and Sascha Kilb, Partner, Drees & Sommer Moderator: Ralf-Peter Koschny, CRE, Member, Directory Board, bulwiengesa AG This session will address new approaches to urban planning including conversion and re-use of derelict land in conurbation, new standards and ideas in the development of green buildings, and engaging stakeholders. Hear how these panelists made their cities work! |
3:45P-5:00P |
Lessons Learned: One on One interview with Daniel FournierSpeaker: Daniel Fournier, Chairman and CEO, Ivanhoé Cambridge Moderator: Brydon Cruise, Chairman, Brookfield Financial Join this wide ranging exchange on global real estate trends, exploring both geography and product. Where does Daniel see future growth? Where is the next big deal? Where does he want to invest and what is he avoiding? Once a professional football player with the Ottawa Rough Riders, Daniel’s coaching management style reflects the team approach he knows well…an approach he credits with a highly successful business. |
6:00P-8:00P |
Farewell ReceptionTake this opportunity to informally connect one more time with fellow attendees at the headquarters hotel, the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth. Enjoy complimentary pre-dinner cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and excellent company before you embark on your evening plans. |